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About 2023-11-01T09:04:13+00:00

About the Business Program

Highline's Business Faculty. Skyler Fulton and Kelly Teal opening up a business course.

Enroll in Highline College’s Business programs and you will learn the practical skills and business theory you need to succeed in today’s competitive work environment. Whether you are new to the field, or want to build additional skills for your current job, Highline’s two-year degrees, three-quarter certificates, or 4-year applied bachelor degree will help get you there.

The Highline Business Department has an active and dedicated advisory committee that serves as an ongoing partnership between the department and the professional-technical business community. Our advisory committee is designed to ensure that the knowledge and skills students receive are current with those needed in the workforce.

From careers in e-commerce to entrepreneurship, Highline’s programs are designed to provide a foundation for working in a business setting. Choose from an Associate of Applied Science degree or certificate programs in, Business, E-Commerce, International Business and Trade, Retailing or Small Business Entrepreneurship.

A Career in Business

Business program graduates work in every industry-from professional services to education, manufacturing, retail and government-performing a wide variety of business duties. In roles such as manager, supervisor, sales or marketing representative, they may be responsible for managing staff or contributing to critical business functions such as sales, marketing and administration.

Business Job Responsibilities

Specific job responsibilities vary widely by job title, department and degree of authority. Some graduates directly supervise staff; others develop plans and implement new company procedures. Program graduates may oversee contracts, research and analyze market demand for products and services, or promote a company’s products and its brand.

The Skills You Need

A career in business requires strong communication skills and high personal motivation. People who choose careers in business are generally creative, tactful, flexible and decisive.


Highline is regularly approached by area employers who are eager to have our students intern or work permanently at their organizations.

An internship is required in the curriculum at Highline and can be one of the most valuable courses in which students enroll. An internship comes in the form of a course called BUSN 140: Cooperative Education, and it is an excellent opportunity to gain legal experience, develop contacts and network, and enhance a resume. Moreover, internships may lead to permanant employment opportunities.

Learn more about internships/cooperative education opportunities

Some internship programs require a Pre-Internship course. Please contact your faculty advisor if you require the Pre-internship Seminar course prior to your internship.